The Violin Bows

Subtle, fast, brilliant and warm, dramatic, romantic, delicate... The violin can be so many things and be so fascinating, yet it is more difficult to master than almost any other instrument.

Would it do any harm to make playing the violin a little easier, a little more natural? With a bow that bounces when it should and stays put when it must? One that you don't have to constantly worry about its idiosyncrasies and weaknesses, but with which you can just go ahead and play, trusting that it will fulfil your intentions without a hitch?

There has been an incredible, fantastic development in violin strings over the last few decades. Wooden bows are just as unsuitable for utilising their full potential as simple carbon bows. With a Müsing bow, on the other hand, you can elicit completely new tonal colours from your violin, as well as significantly broader dynamics and new expressive possibilities. Why would you want to do without it?

In 2017 we introduced our C-series violin bows: the first carbon bows that sound exactly like high-quality pernambuco bows. Still we managed to make them lighter (around 55 grams) and stronger, providing you with significantly improved tension. They are perfect for all musicians who want to stay close to a wooden bow in terms of sound and play, but don't want to miss out on the advantages of a carbon bow. Apart from their stability and durability, they offer an unmatched price/performance ratio in terms of play and sound.

The new L-bows are even lighter than the C-bows and therefore even more agile, faster and more manoeuvrable, very similar to baroque bows, but still as solid as the C-bows. Their sound is different though, more complex and multi-faceted, probably more brilliant than the best wooden bow you have ever come across.

The L-bows are perfect for all musicians who desire to get creative with sound colors and the tonal palette. Especially the L5 and L6 offer an incredible variability and potential, matching the finest pernambuco bows ever made. With one of them you are all set to tackle any concert, any audition and any competition.